Dinosaucers is a short-lived September 14 – December 11, 1987, animated series created by Michael E. Uslan, produced by DIC Animation City and distributed in syndication by Coca-Cola Telecommunications and currently owned by Sony Pictures
In 2018, a reboot comic was released on almost the same date as the TV series, written by the same creator, Michael E. Ulsan, and published by Lion Forge (Which is now merged to Oni Press). In January 2019, issue five is left with a cliffhanger
Dinosaucers Wiki is the only unofficial large and completed resource of Dinosaucers TV series and comics, created on January 25, 2011, by Freestyle360, who was the founder of this wiki and no longer active in the same years.
On July 17, 2023, GrimPapuff became none to sysop and bureaucrat, which was given the right by Vector Sigma after a successful adoption request, while On June 13, 2023, Freestyle360 became sysop (seems to be) to none.
Dinosaucers is
Tyrannos is a deception
Founder by GrimPapuff • link → Fanon
We don't want new readers to get confused with fanon material as source material and feel too overwhelmed by too many fanon articles than canon articles.
Bad and good news
Hello Dinosaucers fan and editors, I, as sysop, want to have noticed you the bad and good news.
Right now; I am the active temporary sysop of Kung Fu Dino Po…
Hello everybody! I am your new administrator and bureaucrat for now, in back June 13 2023 I was 30 days administrator then finallyy now fully administrato…
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